Monday, January 19, 2009


today was a good day. i was off work...that was one reason. the other is that my friend Betty took me out to eat lunch at a local family buffet. we had good conversation and a good meal. afterwards i had to pick up something from the dollar general store. as i was leaving the store one of my customers from the SA came in with her husband, who is a retired police officer, and she was telling me how someone had gone through all of the clothing and items that had been dropped off over the weekend at the store and strewn them all over the driveway. then another customer from the SA came into the store and said the same thing. so after i left there, i went by the SA store and of course, there were bags of clothing and other items strewn everywhere. i got out and was trying to contain it a bit, and suddenly MW pulled up in her van behind me. she asked what i was doing out there and i told her i was trying to straighten it up a little for tomorrow. she talked to me for a few minutes, then we both left.

we are supposed to have snow flurries tomorrow. i now have a weather channel, so i can check the weather more often than just at news time. i thought it was going to be a little warmer tonight, but i am actually chilly sitting her in my jammies. we need some really cold weather, but i had gotten used to it being warmer and now i am having problems adjusting.

i have recently joined a poetry group and so far, am really enjoying it. for anyone out there who likes to write, or just read, poetry or prose, go on over and sneak a peak.

my page is located at:

most of what i have on my page is from my poetry journal, Somewhere In Time (

as here in blogland, some of the posters are from across the ocean from where i live. that is why blogging is such a wonderful experience. before computers, i had only a handful of friends or acquaintances from other countries. now i know numerous people from faraway lands. makes the world seem very small sometimes.............

i wish i could get into all this inauguration hooplah. i realize it is a history-making event, and it would be great to be a little piece of that history by being there, but those people are pitching tents and sleeping in extremely cold temps just to watch the whole thing on a jumbotron. of course, they will have bragging rights for years to come that THEY WERE ACTUALLY THERE. as i said before, i am taking the WAIT AND SEE stance. i do wish him well, as he is going to be the MAN IN CHARGE for at least the next 4 years.

our SA store is having its Christmas party this coming thursday. i was going to work thursday so that i could have saturday off, but decided i wanted to have the whole day to get ready for the party. i don't usually dress "unusually" for work or even when we go out to eat as a group. but i plan on donning full "goth" gear for the party. i will put on white-based makeup. i have black & pink fake eyelashes, a black celtic temporary tattoo, blood red lipstick and nail polish with black tips on the nails, a black top with leather buckles on the shoulders with slits down the tops of the sleeves, black goucho style pants and stacked black shoes. i will be wearing a sleek black wig as well. i will top off the outfit with a black leather purse with real handcuffs as the shoulder strap, and a long leather "matrix" coat. i love shocking those people. last year i was the only one dressed up. sweatshirts and jeans is what most will wear, other than the director and his wife. it will be fantastic, lol.

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guess i better scoot for now. if i still have a wifi signal later on before going to bed, i might return to relate something else on my mind or heart.



Sybil said...

You sur ehad a busy old day...I am trying to imagine you in goth gear !! try to get someone to take a photograps that you can share with us...I have had a lvely afternoon watching the inagreation of your new president it has been very very good. I wish him ever blessing...He sure is going to need it to get our world back on an even keel...but if he sticks by the adage of Love One Another he can't go wrong...
Love sybil x

Lisa said...

Your outfit should stir things up a little, if nothing else the eyelashes!! They sound cool.