Saturday, February 7, 2009


well gang, the old flu bug has taken its toll. my temp earlier today had shot up to 101.9, which for me is 4.3 degrees of fever. i am taking ibuprofen, and have some other items to take before bed, but i cannot even sit up long enough to write anything, and my hands are typing something entirely different than what my fevered brain are telling them to. so not sure if i will be around tonight to post or read and comment. if my fever breaks and i feel better, i might see you. otherwise, goodnight for now...............



MammawsDecorativeArt said...

I am so sorry you got bit. I'm still in recovery but mostly out from under it. I've said that before and went back under again. I've been fighting this thing since before Christmas.
I do hope you can feel better. If you were closer I'd be right over with some tea and some Thera-Flu.

Get well soon!

Paula said...

Get lots of rest and feel better soon Regina.

Sybil said...

Hope you have got through the night without having to many sweats etc...sleep and rest for a couple of days is all you can do..Thats what the Dr always says anyway...
Thinking about you.

Sybil xx

ADB said...

Get well soon, Regina, and take your time recovering.