Saturday, October 18, 2008


i just lost the second entry i have tried to put into my blog. this time i am going to save it to word before i click on save. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

i have spent at least 8 of the last 24 hours in front of this screen trying to pick out a cool background for my blog from THE CUTEST BLOG ON THE BLOCK. i was hoping for something with skulls and skeletons, but no luck on this site. i found one halloweeny looking background, but it had a witch flying through the moon, and i don't dig witches (nothing personal).

i changed backgrounds a couple of times and think i will stick with this one for now. there were so many to choose from..............WAY TOO MANY!!

i changed my SEDUCTION OF LIFE background last night and was very pleased with how it turned out. i even discovered how to change the font color and size, and all the other little bells and whistles. it brings back memories of when i started with aol. MEMORIES, LIKE THE ......
never mind, lol.

i have noticed that many blogs have added music. i have also noticed that this not only slows down the opening of the blog, but it doesn't play properly, at least on my computer. not sure if that is the way it is on everyone else's, but for me, it can be frustrating. one of the blogs had one of CCR's great hits, but it sputtered out at me in mini syllables, so i read, commented and left.

i am still being bombarded by fruit flies. i tried a solution of white vinegar and water, but that didn't phase them. if anyone has any tried and true solutions, please, email me..........or post a comment here.

i slept most of the last 2 days. i guess my diabetes is acting up. i took my sheets off the bed to change them and couldn't even stay up long enough to get the clean ones on the bed. i took a 4 hour nap on the fluffy mattress cover, no sheets or pillowcases.

it rained today, which was another reason i felt sleepy. it is supposed to be much cooler tomorrow and colder the next few nights. i guess i need to get out some long johns and comforters. i am not ready for cold weather.

my boss called me early early this morning, but i ignored the call. he left a message and i ignored that as well. i listened to it tonight around 10 pm, and all it said was for me to call him when i got the message. he and his wife would have loved me calling after 10 pm, lol.

back to work tomorrow, 9-5. not sure who is working with me, but i am going to behave myself and do my job, keep to myself, and go home. but it is SOOOO hard for me to keep my mouth shut, lol.

i am going to attempt to save this entry....................


1 comment:

Paula said...

I forgot to tell you yesterday your daughter is very pretty. i bet she favors her Mom.