Wednesday, December 30, 2009


i hope everyone had a truly amazing Christmas, like i did. i spent time out of town with my beloved, and the time was magical. upon returning, my daughter offered up an invite for dinner at her new house with her and her bf. we had a lovely dinner that she cooked (her bf likes gravy, and my daughter hates gravy, so she doesn't make gravy. i offered to and her bf ate 3 helpings of it, as well as took the rest to work with him the next day). i got some really nice things for the new apartment, as well as cleaning supplies (my daughter bought a buggy full of cleaning supplies for herself, and just bought 2 of everything, giving me 1).

my life has gotten so very busy these days i just don't have the time to keep a blog. plus, one of my main reasons for keeping a blog was for therapy. when i would get depressed, i would blog. now that i seldom feel depression, i seldom blog.

so, i would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone out in blogland a

be safe, and if you DO drink, don't DRIVE, have a designated driver.



Paula said...

May the New Year be all you hope for. Glad you don't get the depression anymore. Just update us when you feel like it.

Sybil said...

Please Regina don't get depressed but please still keep in touch with us. I have missed you being around...I am so pleased that you had a good Christmas and I hope that 2010 will be extra good for you.
Love Sybil xx

Jeannette said...

Strange, I blog more when I am happy. I do hope you keep your blog going, we do not want to lose you. Happy New Year my friend.

ADB said...

Blog whenever you can, Regina, it is always good to hear from you. A happy New Year to you!